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Antoine WilsonOffline

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      Antoine Wilson posted in the group SciFi and Fantasy TV

      1 year, 3 months ago

      The Space Giants by ArtBennyRGrau

      Space Giants (the USA) / Magma Taishi (Japan) Space Giants is a story based upon the evil alien Rodak (Goa in the original Japanese broadcast) who have conquered many countries across the outer space and chosen the Earth as his next target. Fortunately, for us, a scientist called Mathusam (Earth in the original) had created a rocket that could transform itself into a giant robot, Goldar (Magma in Japanese), aimed at fighting the evil.

      Alongside, he constructed Silvar, his wife, and after making sure that Rodak came to Earth, he brought to Earth both robots and combat Rodak and protect the planet against Rodak’s plans.

      Silvar is human sized, and once here, she was given a son, created by Mathusam and taking as blueprint for its construction the size and appearance of a little boy, Miko (Mamoru in the original), who had made friends with Goldar.



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